3' E30 324td HORN

No. Description Supp. Qty  From    Up To  Part Number Price Notes
01HornBOSCH 335HZ 161331367312$41.47
01HornKLAXON 335HZ 161331367358$32.48
02HornFIAMM 510HZ 109/198708/200461331386254$17.28
02HornFIAMM 510HZ 109/198761337163992$17.28 +core
02HornFIAMM 410HZ 109/198708/200461331386255$24.15ENDED +core
02HornFIAMM 410HZ 109/198761337163991$20.22 +core
02HornHELLA 500HZ 109/198761331386252$24.81
02HornHELLA 400HZ 109/198761331386253$26.20
02HornKLAXON 520HZ 109/198761331388903$21.43ENDED
02HornKLAXON 420HZ 109/198761331388904$21.43ENDED
04Hex bolt with washerM6X12-Z2 107119915060$0.36ENDED
04Hex bolt with washerM6X12-U2-8.8107119904459$0.62
05Hex boltM8X16 161331372671$1.76
06Hex bolt with washerM8X16-Z2203/199107119913214$0.66ENDED
06Hex boltM8X16U2-8.8ZNS3207119904279$1.00
  • +core = plus core charge (possibility of a return of the old part)
  • ENDED = the part has been discontinued (no longer available).