No. Description Supp. Qty  From    Up To  Part Number Price Notes
01Cable harness109/198361101373736ENDED
only in conjunction with
--Ignition switch109/198361321374868$122.68
01Cable harness109/198461101374843ENDED
01Cable harness109/198309/198461101373736ENDED
01Cable harness109/198409/198561101376071ENDED
01Cable harness109/198409/198561101376075$770.28ENDED
01Cable harness109/198509/198661101376986ENDED
01Cable harness109/198509/198661101377925ENDED
01Cable harness109/198610/198661111381017ENDED
01Cable harness109/198609/198761111381025ENDED
01Cable harness109/198709/198861111385495ENDED
01Cable harness109/198801/198961111386856ENDED
01Cable harness101/198961111394012ENDED
For vehicles with
National version Great Britain=Yes
01Cable harness110/198609/198761101381974ENDED
For vehicles with
National version Great Britain=Yes
01Cable harness110/198609/198761101381974ENDED
For vehicles with
Air bag=Yes
01Cable harness109/198509/198661101376986ENDED
For vehicles with
Air bag=Yes
01Cable harness109/198610/198661111381021ENDED
For vehicles with
Air bag=Yes
01Cable harness110/198609/198761111385205ENDED
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
01Cable harness109/198409/198561101376072ENDED
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
01Cable harness109/198509/198661101376986ENDED
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
01Cable harness109/198709/198861111385495ENDED
only in conjunction with
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
--Wiring ABS109/198709/198861111380939ENDED
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
01Cable harness109/198701/198961111385517ENDED
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
01Cable harness109/198801/198961111386856ENDED
only in conjunction with
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
--Wiring ABS109/198801/198961111380939ENDED
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
01Cable harness101/198909/198961111394023ENDED
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
01Cable harness101/198909/198961111394023ENDED
only in conjunction with
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
--Wiring ABS101/198909/198961111394064$170.52ENDED
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
01Cable harness101/198961111394012ENDED
only in conjunction with
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
--Wiring ABS101/198961111394064$170.52ENDED
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
01Cable harness109/198961111394188ENDED
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
01Cable harness109/198961111394188ENDED
only in conjunction with
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
--Wiring ABS109/198961111394064$170.52ENDED
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
Headlight aim control=Yes
01Cable harness109/198961111394012ENDED
only in conjunction with
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
Headlight aim control=Yes
--Wiring ABS109/198961111394217ENDED
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
Headlight aim control=Yes
01Cable harness109/198961111394188ENDED
only in conjunction with
For vehicles with
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
Headlight aim control=Yes
--Wiring ABS109/198961111394218ENDED
For vehicles with
National version Great Britain=Yes
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
01Cable harness110/198609/198761101385040ENDED
For vehicles with
National version Great Britain=Yes
Anti block system (ABS)=Yes
01Cable harness110/198609/198761101385040ENDED
For vehicles with
National version Switzerland=Yes
National version france=Yes
Saudi Arabia version=Yes
01Cable harness109/198409/198561101376081ENDED
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198561111374853$113.01ENDED
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198309/198561111374845ENDED
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198509/198661111380476$134.92
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198509/198661111380477ENDED
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198610/198661111381051ENDED
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198609/198761111381052ENDED
02Cable harness sector dashboard110/198609/198761111385242$125.26ENDED
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198761111385572ENDED
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198761111385577$122.21ENDED
For vehicles with
Norway version=Yes
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198561111377413ENDED
For vehicles with
Norway version=Yes
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198509/198661111380473ENDED
For vehicles with
Norway version=Yes
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198610/198661111381057ENDED
For vehicles with
Norway version=Yes
02Cable harness sector dashboard110/198609/198761111385246ENDED
For vehicles with
Norway version=Yes
02Cable harness sector dashboard110/198609/198761111385246ENDED
For vehicles with
Norway version=Yes
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198761111385574ENDED
For vehicles with
National version Switzerland=Yes
Sweden version=Yes
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198561111370726ENDED
For vehicles with
National version Switzerland=Yes
Sweden version=Yes
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198509/198661111380474ENDED
For vehicles with
National version Switzerland=Yes
Sweden version=Yes
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198610/198661111381056ENDED
For vehicles with
National version Switzerland=Yes
Sweden version=Yes
02Cable harness sector dashboard110/198609/198761111385243ENDED
For vehicles with
National version Switzerland=Yes
Sweden version=Yes
02Cable harness sector dashboard110/198609/198761111385243ENDED
For vehicles with
National version Switzerland=Yes
Sweden version=Yes
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198709/198961111385573ENDED
For vehicles with
National version Switzerland=Yes
Sweden version=Yes
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198961111394183ENDED
For vehicles with
National version Switzerland=Yes
Sweden version=Yes
02Cable harness sector dashboard109/198961111394183ENDED
  • ENDED = the part has been discontinued (no longer available).