No. Description Supp. Qty  From    Up To  Part Number Price Notes
This part number is not available for
orders, and is only used to determine
part number of a programmed control
This is required to complete the
exchange procedure in ISTA(P).
For vehicles with
Catalyzer preparation=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 103/199512141427550$782.24ENDED
For vehicles with
Catalyzer preparation=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 103/199612141429494$934.94ENDED
For vehicles with
Catalyzer preparation=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 109/199612141429683$782.24ENDED
For vehicles with
Special motor=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 109/199612141429691$595.27ENDED
For vehicles with
Special motor=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 112141429977$1,002.61
For vehicles with
Catalytic converter=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 103/199612141429490ENDED
For vehicles with
Catalytic converter=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 103/199612141429492$782.24ENDED
For vehicles with
Catalytic converter=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 103/199612141429496$782.24ENDED
For vehicles with
Catalytic converter=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 103/199612141429498$782.24ENDED
For vehicles with
Catalytic converter=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 109/199612141429677ENDED
For vehicles with
Catalytic converter=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 109/199612141429679$782.24ENDED
For vehicles with
Catalytic converter=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 109/199612141429681$782.24ENDED
For vehicles with
Catalytic converter=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 109/199612141429683$782.24ENDED
For vehicles with
Catalytic converter=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 109/199612141429691$595.27ENDED
For vehicles with
Catalytic converter=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 112141427548ENDED
For vehicles with
Catalytic converter=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 112141429952ENDED
For vehicles with
Catalytic converter=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 112141429953$782.24ENDED
For vehicles with
Catalytic converter=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 112141429954$1,002.61
For vehicles with
Catalytic converter=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 112141429977$1,002.61
For vehicles with
Engine characteristic graph=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 112141429955$1,002.61
For vehicles with
Engine characteristic graph=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 103/199812141438745$1,002.61
For vehicles with
Engine characteristic graph=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 103/199812141438790
For vehicles with
Engine characteristic graph=Yes
Catalyzer preparation=Yes
01Exch. control unit DME programmedMS41.0 112141429955$1,002.61
  • ENDED = the part has been discontinued (no longer available).